NewStart Reentry Resource Center

8044 SE Harold St, Portland, OR 97206

The NewStart Reentry Resource Center is a program dedicated to helping you successfully re-enter the community after incarceration from State or Local Jails in Multnomah County within the last two years.


Our Navigators/Case Managers assist with: 

  • Support services funding
  • Securing your ID
  • Navigating community resources for housing, health, treatment, family reunification, disability services
  • Housing Referrals and emergency vouchers
  • Access to phone, email, fax, internet, mailbox

Employment assistance includes:

Case management, resume development, master application assistance, subsidized on the job training, work related training certifications and transitional and career track placement services.


 Visit the NewStart Reentry Resource Center

8044 SE Harold St, Portland, OR 97206